Learn Coding

Now is A Great Time to Learn Coding
One of the most important skills in modern-day is the ability to code. As the world becomes more digital, the need for skilled coders increases as well. That is where we come into the equation. Here at Code With Us, we are making the most of our passion by spreading the knowledge of coding to all th

Introducing Kids to Basic Computer Skills
In recent time, screen time across devices has risen rapidly. For young kids, knowledge of computer skills has become an essential part of their education-- as schools and extracurriculars move online, young kids are struggling to adapt to a new style of learning. But what basic computer skills do k

How to Introduce Your Child to Coding
Nowadays, coding is one of the most important skills that a child can have. As our world becomes increasingly technology-dependent, an understanding of this technology is paramount to a successful career. Many parents want to introduce their kids at a young age to coding by exposing them to the basi

7 Reasons Schools Should Add Coding
Getting involved in your kids’ education today is a must. The days where kids went to school and parents just took a quick look at their homework are over. Today, parents want to be more present. We say: “What are my children learning today and why? How will this subject help them in their devel

Coding shapes students’ future success
Here are three major and far-reaching reasons why building coding skills in students should start as early as possibleWith unpredictability fast becoming our daily bread, what can be more important than preparing the next generations for future challenges? Every parent wants to secure the best found
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Coding shapes students’ future success
Coding shapes students’ future success