Alaska K-12 Computer Science Standards
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K-12 Computer Science Standards
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K-12 Computer Science Standards in Alaska
The Alaska Computer Science Standards are meant to establish a baseline literacy in computer science for all Alaskan students and provide guidance for designing curriculum, assessments, and teacher preparation programs. The standards represent a vision in which all students, from a young age, engage in the concepts and practices of computer science. From kindergarten through 12th grade, students will develop new approaches to problem solving that harness the power of computational thinking, while not only becoming users, but creators of computing technology. Code With Us provides full-year grade specific K-12 Computer Science curriculum that aligns with the Alaska K-12 Computer Science standards.
Alaska K-12 Computer Science Standards (pdf)
Standards by Grades
Kindergarten - Word
1st Grade - Word
2nd Grade - Word
3rd Grade - Word
4th Grade - Word
5th Grade - Word
6th Grade - Word
7th Grade - Word
8th Grade - Word
High School - HSL1 (Word) | HSL2 (Word)